Learning is an age-old process which keeps on going. Likewise, teaching is the process of imparting knowledge to someone to help them learn.
Teaching has been considered as the noblest professions of all. Nowadays, students prefer to study on the go, through digital and electronic media.
It is quite not handy for the students to carry books and notebooks everywhere, but they can carry a smartphone or a laptop for sure.
So, the trend had to change, and like students, teachers had to teach online from home.
Not only this, but the “teach online” trend also proved to be a good source of income for many, who possess teaching skills and have sufficient knowledge of some topics.
This article will help you find ways to earn money and teach online from home.
YouTube is one of the most popular video platforms on the Internet. One can create their own channel and upload videos that can be accessed by anyone from anywhere in the world.
Now, let’s talk about how to teach online from home on YouTube and earning. For this, you need to have the things mentioned below-
- An e-mail id
- A bank account
- Knowledge of your topics
- Video
These are the pre-requisites, not much!
Once you have created a YouTube channel, you need to link your account to AdSense.
Let us make this very clear, that if you intend to earn with this “teach online” thing, you need to be honest and not money-minded.
You will need to impart the best of your knowledge for free just to gain an audience.
Once you’ve gained an audience and you have got a good number of videos on your channel you can start with the AdSense thing.
Since you’ve got many visitors now, the ads will be displayed before and after your video and based on the number of impressions (i.e., the number of times ads have been displayed), you will be paid in your bank account.
So, in a nutshell, you must understand that you need to build a strong audience so that you can have a large number of views.
Tip: Creating interactive videos that could help students ask you their doubts will attract more audience! And you need to have excellent presentation skills.
Another way to teach online is through a website. Get a website created and upload notes and videos made by you.
Again, I must repeat that you cannot make money by teaching online from home if only earning is your motto.
You need to be patient till you attract a good number of visitors. Upload everything you know about a subject and try explaining it in different ways.
Make your website more dynamic and interactive. Once you’ve got a good audience, you can start charging for some premium modules.
If your students will be impressed by your teaching skills and knowledge, they won’t hesitate to pay.
You can also signup to AdSense and link it to the website. A number of ads will be displayed on your website and based on the CPC (Cost per Click) you’ll be paid into your bank accounts.
WordPress, Udemy, Wix, etc., are certain free/cheap platforms where you can get a domain for yourself and get your website going.
Vedantu is an online tutoring website that hosts interactive sessions between the student and the mentor through a real-time virtual learning environment named WAVE.
This platform was developed by a group of Engineers from the IIT and is headquartered in Bangalore. Teachers can register themselves on their official website.
Following which the teacher will find a new window with a form which would ask some details like qualification, time available to teach online from home, specialized subjects, what grade teacher wants to teach online, internet speed, etc.
Once you fill in the form, the form is sent to their board of committee members who review it and then you are asked to give a live explanation on any topic you wish to, following which you are selected or rejected.
Once selected, you will be passed on their paying criteria.
Selling your e-Books Online
Selling your e-Books online is another method to make money by teaching online from home, but it depends on the topic you teach online.
If there are already modules available for free of cost, why would a student purchase them from you?
You would need to create e-Books of your own with simplified techniques, and you can host a trial module on any website or on your own website.
If the students like your e-Books, they will definitely order some from you.
In these cases, you must either present e-Books on some of the latest technologies or topics or either on certain competitive exams.
Udemy is an excellent platform to learn and for your knowledge earn too. With more than 20 million students accessing the education platform, you have a great opportunity to teach online from home and earn money.
There are roughly around 30,000 instructors available online for every sector to guide the students accordingly.
Talking about earning money by teaching online at Udemy, this is a very straightforward website to help you earn extra income by teaching online from home on any topic you desire.
The teaching process supported by Udemy is as follows:
- Choose your topic
With a million of students accessing the site, any topic that you choose will be appreciated. You can teach what you know or what you love, and it shows your passion for teaching.
Every teacher has a unique teaching style, and Udemy supports with multiple formats to create your course.
- Create a Course
Creating a course will help with more interactive class with examples and insights which create opportunities for students to learn better.
With a community dedicated to teachers called Join Studio U, you will have ample amount of interaction with other instructors for better exposure and experience. And Teach Hub is a resource tool to create engaging content for your course.
- Connect with Students
Once your course is live, you need to start sharing it with your family and friends to increase the marketing value of the course.
Ensure that the students can find your course with a flashy title. Students can find your course through normal search and Udemy’s marketing efforts.
The more students follow your course, the more views you get; which is directly proportional to the money you earn by teaching online from home. A small share of it will be taken by Udemy for using their platform which is quite a minimal fee.
Creating an App and Teaching online from home using it
Well, this is another popular way of teaching online from home.
But for this, you need to be an app developer. You can develop your own e-learning app and upload it to the Google Play Store.
Once you have uploaded the app, start posting content like e-Books, PDF files, videos and demonstrations on topics that you want to teach online.
Share it with your colleagues, students, friends and social media; and then the number of downloads will gain you the money.
You are required to keep posting content on the app on a regular basis and attracting downloader(s) so that you can keep making money out of it!
Webinars are another great and time-worthy way of making huge money by teaching online from home.
Master webinar producers are well aware of all the opportunities that lie hidden and they also know how to go through the webinar management process in order to increase their sales many folds.
Let’s now learn about everything you need to know how to make money online by using webinars.
- Put forth your offers along with visuals and graphics:
When putting forth your offer to attendees, you should also show visuals and graphics that appear alluring so as to capture and attract their interests in your offer. This way your attendees will perceive the value of the offer made by you.
- Establish a solid idea and an outline:
Webinars are the perfect way for you to pre-sell your products online. However, first, you will have to establish a solid idea and outlines of your product to be sold. It could also be more rewarding if you have a module ready.
- The pitch should be within 30 to 45 minutes:
Once you have crossed the 45 minutes mark, then you will find that the number of attendees has dropped significantly. You should be respectful of your attendee’s time if you wish to make money through webinars.
- Make the promise in alignment with what is offered:
Here, you have the choice to make your own choice of a webinar topic, and then you make a promise to your webinar attendees that is alignment with what is offered. However, your sales with suffering badly if your attendees find out that the promise is not in alignment and you will be attracting people those who are not interested and ready to purchase your webinar product.
By keeping all the above pointers, you are all set to make money online by using webinars for teaching online from home.
Writing about Education
Not exactly teaching online, but if you are an educationalist, you can write articles for various websites.
These websites will accept your articles on any education issues, and you get paid for them. You can even write articles that would help counsel students for their career.
You can write about various pre-admission exams that students can take to get admitted in various courses and also suggest techniques for preparation.
You can write content on various exams, colleges, universities, courses etc. For example- Popular exams include TS ECET entrance exam 2018-2019, JEE Exam, NATA, CAT, CMAT etc.
So, these were a few ways by using which you can make money by teaching online from home, and you could follow many at a time like from going online on YouTube to creating your own website or an app and promote each of them on each platform you work.
For more detailed information about colleges, exams, latest news on education, fee structures, etc., check out the renowned educational portal TargetAdmission.